2 Things You NEED to be Unshakably Confident

Robyn Mrnak
5 min readSep 29, 2021


For those of you who may not know, my 90-Day Signature Coaching program, Dare to be Seen, Heard and Create Unshakable Confidence, consists of 12 pillars.

In order to find your voice and create unshakable confidence, you need to build a strong foundation.

This program is specifically designed to help you build that strong foundation of unshakable confidence, so you can be seen and heard!

In this blog, we are going to dive into Pillar 1 of Dare to be Seen, Heard and Create Unshakable Confidence…. Vision and Values!

Let me ask you a few questions:

-What is your WHY?

-Do you know what your values are?

-How important are your dreams, goals and aspirations?

Before you can make any sort of change, you need to know what is important to you and why you are doing what you do, in other words, what motivates you and what do you value?

If you want to keep your motivation high or you are ready to get out of the rut, you need to know what your BIG MOTIVATING FACTOR is. I like to call it the big MOFA.

Your Big MOFA is your BIG WHY.

It is easy to say that you want to lose 10 pounds or you want to start a business. Your big why is much deeper than that. It is the driving force that makes you really want to change. It has to feel extremely important to you.


Let me tell you a story about a very confused, young woman. After her high school graduation, this young woman had no idea what she wanted to do. Throughout high school, she went through the motions. She attended the career fairs. She job shadowed. She did the endless college prep. She was taught to go into a career field that is “safe,” such as the medical field, teaching or accounting.

For some reason, however, the young woman just couldn’t buy into the traditional career mindset.

Go to college. Pick a “safe career field.” Graduate. Get a job (maybe you hate it, but you are pulling a paycheck, right). Get a house. Start a family. Keep working at the job you hate to pay bills. And repeat.

She felt like there was so much more to life than working in a job you hate just to pay bills until you die.

– What if you choose a job you love? One where you are making a solid income and living a comfortable life without counting down the days until you can retire?

– What if you create a life that you don’t need to take a vacation from?

– What if there is a life out there that totally lights you up?

She knew there was more. She wanted to live in a way that lit her up.

In return, she would share her light with others that cross her path.

She wanted to make an impact while making an income.

BUT WHY??? She needed to know why in order to follow through.

The first question is… what does she want?

She wants to create a successful business that gives her a stable income while helping others.

Why does she want to create a successful business/help others?

Because she wants to live her life the way she chooses while making a difference.

(Making an income while making an impact)

Why does she want to live her life the way she chooses while making a difference?

She wants to do her own thing. She doesn’t want other people telling her what she should be doing, what she can/can’t do, or how much money she is allowed to make.

Why is it important for her to do her own thing?

She has always had to answer to someone. She has never felt free to live how she wants.

Why has she always had to answer to someone?

She has been taught to tiptoe around people and do what they say. She was taught that the forceful people should be obeyed to avoid conflict.

Why was she taught to tiptoe around/obey people?

Because of her childhood programming… her parents have spent a large portion of their lives tiptoeing and being quiet. They used to believe that they had to please everyone. As a result, they didn’t stand up for themselves. They also felt that they couldn’t speak up.

The unspoken rule in her home was, “You be quiet even if that means you get walked on.”

Why does she want to change the family “rule” of being walked on?

Because she knows she has so much to offer; she is strong, smart and capable. She doesn’t deserve to be a doormat. She will not just sit back and let others decide her fate.

She knows that everyone should feel UNSHAKABLY CONFIDENT AND UNAFRAID TO USE THEIR VOICES. She has a gift to give by helping others take control of their own lives.


When you understand what motivates you at the deepest level, the willingness to keep pushing forward is much stronger. If you are lacking motivation or you feel frustrated, you remind yourself of that why and suddenly you take action.

When you know your BIG WHY or the BIG MOTIVATION behind it, nothing can stand in your way.

Your BIG WHY needs to drive you to make the changes you weren’t willing to in the past.

To find your BIG WHY, keep asking yourself why until you land on something that feels really important.

On a scale of 1–10, your why should be at least an 8. Anything less than an 8 is not a powerful enough driver. Keep exploring until you find a why that is valuable enough for you to commit to and follow through in ways you never have before.

You are the hero of your story. No one is going to save you. If you push outside of your comfort zone and take action every single day, you honor your BIG WHY.


When you stick to your why, you shake things up.

You snap out of “poor me” mode and into “why the hell not me” mode.

If you’re used to living in “poor me” mode, you might do things like listening to your inner-critic, hiding out, avoiding emotions, trying to be perfect, people pleasing, blaming, and the list goes on and on.

-What do you need to do to feel proud of who you are?

-How do you step into “WHY THE HELL NOT ME” MODE?

It’s all about knowing and honoring your values.

Values are your foundation.

By naming your values, you learn what behaviors are honoring them. You also begin to recognize when you are not living in alignment with your values.

When doing value work here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Your values are yours. They are not up for judgment from others. Ever.
  • It is never too late to take action on what you really want.
  • Trust yourself. You know what matters to you.

You are your greatest investment.

You can never go wrong with investing in you because you are the CONSTANT in your life.

If you ignore your BIG WHY and your VALUES, you send yourself the message that you don’t matter.

You do matter.

What happens if you prove it to yourself?

See more @ www.tizcoaching.com



Robyn Mrnak
Robyn Mrnak

Written by Robyn Mrnak

Heal your body by reprogramming your nervous system https://linktr.ee/robyn_tizcoaching

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