The Two Types of People in Your Life
There are two types of people in your life….
There are the people who have your back. These are the people in your corner.
The people who are going to stand beside you. The people who are going to fight for you. The people who love and respect you for who you are.
The people who are going to be there… No. Matter. What.
These people are your Ride or Dies.
Then there are the people in your life who have their own backs. Most of the time, these are the people who want something from you.
The people who have their own interests at heart, but never yours. These are the people who don’t respect you or genuinely care about you. The people who will vanish when you need help.
The people who will be with you at the top but will bail when you fall off that mountain.
These people are the Cold Ones.
There may be a point when the two types of people in your life cross paths. Or possibly butt heads.
If you are a people pleaser, you are going to feel the need to make sure every one is getting along. You are going to try to “keep the peace”.
People pleasers… can you hear me?
How do you normally keep the peace?
My guess… you stay silent.
Is this correct?
You keep quiet in order to avoid conflict.
You think, “If I just ignore the problem, it will go away. If I don’t say or do anything, I won’t upset anyone. Everyone will be happy.”
Let me ask you this, if you ignore cancer, does it go away? Or does it get worse?
It gets worse, right?
The same thing happens with the problems in our lives.
The longer we ignore the problems in our lives, the worse they get. Always.
Alright, back to the issue between your Ride or Dies and the Cold Ones in your life.
You can stay silent. You can ignore the issue. You can hope it just goes away.
By taking no action, who are you protecting?
Yourself? Your Ride or Dies? Or the Cold Ones?
When you say or do nothing, you protect the Cold Ones. You are protecting the ones who don’t accept or respect you. You are protecting the ones who will do whatever it takes to get what they want from you.
Why? Because when you stay silent, you are saying a lot.
You are saying, “I don’t value myself, so you shouldn’t either.”
You are saying, “I am not going to fight for myself or my loved ones, so you go ahead and walk over the top of us.”
You are saying, “I am not going to protect what matters to me.”
The Cold Ones live for this. This is exactly what they want. They know when you are in this place, you are weak and defenseless. They can take full advantage of you. And you can bet they will in order to get what they want.
What about your Ride or Dies? They will still stand by you even if you are silent. They will still have your back even if you are protecting the Cold Ones.
You know why? Because they love you. They love you no matter what.
Whether you are rich or poor. Weak or strong. They will always love you exactly as you are.
Your Ride or Dies will fight for you.
Believe me, they will fight. They will fight hard for you. They will encourage you to use your voice. They will tell you how much you matter. They will stand next to you. They will try to show you that you deserve more. They know you should be treated better.
The problem? Your Ride or Dies can only fight for so long.
At the end of the day, no one can make the change, but you. They can tell you over and over how much you matter but if you don’t believe it, neither will the Cold Ones.
For each day that you remain silent, your Ride or Dies will begin to lose a little fight. It might take days, months, or even years. But while you are busy trying to keep the peace, your Ride or Dies will eventually run out of fight.
You will find yourself alone on the frontlines. Your Ride or Dies will still be there for you to some extent, however, they now decide to opt out of a never ending fight.
They are tired. They are questioning their own value. They feel less than, because you aren’t taking a stand for yourself or them. They might feel resentful because they have tried to protect you but get nothing in return.
The Cold Ones will be waiting for this. They know that you can’t win the war alone. They know that they have you. At first, they might welcome you with open arms. But before long, they will take everything you have. Then they will throw you out like yesterday’s trash.
When this happens, who will be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart?
Your Ride or Dies.
They will hold you. They will comfort you. They will dry your tears. They won’t make you feel less than.
They won’t say, “I told you so.” They will just be there.
They will hurt with you. They will cry with you. And then they will lift you up and rebuild with you.
They will love you whether you are worth $10 or $10 million dollars. They will be with you whether you are healthy or ill. They will help you when you are weak. They will do everything in their power to make you realize that you matter.
So let me ask you…
-What is the cost of your silence?
-Are you better off to speak up and protect your Ride or Dies? Or to stay silent and protect the Cold Ones?
-Who is going to be there in the end?
You can either protect the people who love you for what you have.
Or protect the ones who love you for who you are.
The choice is always yours.